Fuel Tracker+ All-in-one fuel management How much did I spend on fuel this month and in the last 6 months? Is my monthly fuel spending average? Is my car's fuel consumption increasing? Is the cheapest fuel really the cheapest? When will the next maintenance be?
Get instant answers to all these questions and more with the Fuel Tracker+ app.

Record your refuelings in Fuel Tracker+ and get instant answers about car consumption, fuel efficiency, most economical fuels, monthly expenses, maintenance forecasts, and other information. Each answer is presented in charts and numerical tables. The charts have superpowers with filters and selectors that allow you to obtain different views with periods, vehicles, and fuels of your choice.


  • Dashboard
  • Multiple vehicles
  • Analysis
  • Trends
  • Insights

Beautiful dashboard keeps you up to date with current and past month spending and distance. Below a history of all refuelings with filters by vehicle, period, fuel type, fuel station, and payment method.


Add as many vehicles as you want: cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses, and others.


8 different types of charts with superpowers for you to analyze vehicles, refuelings, expenses, fuels, and fuel stations from all angles.


Track fuel consumption trends by vehicle, fuel type, and fuel station.


Record refuelings and the app will calculate forecasts for vehicle maintenance.



The app was designed with privacy in mind: no information you enter into the app, whether it?s your vehicles, refuelings, or refueling locations, leaves the app. Everything stays within your device, in private. We take privacy so seriously that the app does not require account creation, meaning there?s no way to associate your data with an email or phone number. That?s why the app is paid: we don?t sell your data in exchange for advertising.


The app was designed with privacy in mind: no information you enter into the app, whether it?s your vehicles, refuelings, or refueling locations, leaves the app. Everything stays within your device, in private. We take privacy so seriously that the app does not require account creation, meaning there?s no way to associate your data with an email or phone number. That?s why the app is paid: we don?t sell your data in exchange for advertising.